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Seeding Freedom Festival

On September 4, 2022, Berlin's first ecofeminist festival will take place: Seeding Freedom. Organized by the Positive Lab, this summer gathering will connect community, art and creation in order to seed tomorrow's hopes today.

The story


Artistic performances, writing workshops, talking circles, a concert and a documentary screening and much more await you at ‘Seeding Freedom’, Berlin’s first ecofeminist festival! A revolutionary, inclusive, intercultural, multilingual and intersectional event, where all are welcome.

Joyful, artistic and participatory, the festival will mix approaches, inviting you to question our world and weave together a better future. This collective web will start from the body and the intimate and extend to social and political realms.



*** The workshops will be held in English, German or French. ***


The festival will take place in the community garden "Prinzengarten", in Wedding.


In order to make the festival accessible to everyone who wants to attend, no prior knowledge of ecofeminism is necessary and admission is free.



11:00 - 12:30

Draw Your Heart (EN)

by Daisy

This is a creative workshop. With the help of guiding prompts you are going to create and explore your picture of your heart.

 By drawing what formed hills, valleys, and roads in your heart, you can see what emotions formed your heart and understand them clearer. This can help you to understand or begin an emotional transformation.

 There is no requirement for previous drawing experience or art skills. All you need is a blank piece of paper to draw on and something to colour with. Or material for collage. Of course, you can also create a digital image.

 We start the workshop with a little introduction and some instructions, then you have one hour of drawing. Afterwards there is opportunity to show and share - if you wish to.


11:00 - 12:30

Queer Movement Circle (EN)

by Sara Lu

The queer movement circle is an invitation to reunite. 

With this invitation, I call out all the creative creatures for the act of rebellion against the paradigm of forcing and pushing, 

and instead 

I offer to hold the space for you 

to enjoy the slow process of remembering our energies of softness and tenderness. 


Flow'her Power (EN)
par Axelle

11:00 - 12:30

12:30 - 14:00

Axelle Vergès, Eco-preneur since 2000 and founder of the Positive LAB Creative Impact school  will present the Flow’her Model,  a “rêvolutionary” ecofeminist business model made for creatives, idealists, artists, handcrafters, activists, dancers, and all Nature and Culture lovers…This colourful methodology is aimed to boost a balanced, respectful and eco-intelligent growth of “citizen-driven” projects that take care of our world. 


Lunch Break - Rethink your Food
by Chris

70% of the agro-food industry is now in the hands of 3 players*, which causes over-indebtedness of farmers: there are 300,000 suicides of farmers in India in the region monopolized by Monsanto. In France, a farmer commits suicide every 4 days. The action also passes through our plates.
So how to feed ourselves with a vision of our food production as decolonized, sustainable and respectful of all forms of life? We will introduce you to more sustainable and responsible food offering local vegan dishes in partnership with farmers from Brandenburg.
*Vandana Shiva, One Hearth, One Humany vs. the 1%

Sous forme de buffet

12:30 - 14:00

13:00 - 14:30

Capitalists Anonymous (EN)
by Juliette


Capitalists Anonymous is a community space to grow collective consciousness about the tight grip that capitalism holds over our everyday lives. The structure of the gatherings comes from the collective practice of speaking and listening circles, known as consciousness-raising groups. These are well-known for the role they played in the feminist and anti-racist struggles of the 1970s. Such practice helps individuals to break personal taboos, identify shared experiences, and build bonds over mutual aid with regard to those experiences. The hope is that having such a space available to address capitalism will help us politicize our experiences.

"Capitalists Anonymous normally takes place every second Tuesday of the month online or in person, through the aequa community center (IG @_aequa_). For each circle, we choose a theme to reflect on through the lense of capitalism. On the occasion of the Seeding Freedom Festival, 'FREEDOM' was chosen. Picture: etching by Paula Rego from 1989 titled 'Children and their stories'."



Another cup of jealousy? (EN)
by Laurine

Digging into what lies behind jealousy using dialogue and automatic writing


What does it mean to be jealous? How do we experience it and what are the underlying feelings and mechanisms driving it? How can we better deal with it?

In this workshop, we will try to find some answers to these questions by looking at the conscious and unconscious patterns working through us when we are jealous.

Jealousy is a tricky topic because it can often be a superficial layer hiding more complex or shameful emotional patterns behind. Letting our personal and collective unconscious speak through us with open dialog and automatic writing we will attempt to uncover and change our perspective on this challenging area of the human emotional landscape.



13:30 - 14:30

Etwas wagen (Herz, Hand, Verstand)
Starhawk - Lesung & Inszenierung
Starhawk - Lecture & Mise en Scène (DE & FR)

by Ulrike Bernard & 
​Lise Chevalier

Ulrike Bernard stellt in dieser Veranstaltung Textauszüge von Starhawk vor: sie ist Schriftstellerin, Aktivistin, Hexe und Permakulturdesignerin und verwebt ihren Blick auf Ökofeminsmus mit Ansätzen von Magie und Ritualen. In ihren Texten geht sie der „Kraft-von-innen“ nach – einer Kraft die auf Immanenz beruht und die sich deutlich von einem Prinzip der „Macht-über“ unterscheidet.

Ulrike Bernard présentera et mettra en scéne des extraits de textes de Starhawk : une écrivaine, activiste, sorcière et conceptrice de permaculture qui tisse sa vision de l'écoféminisme avec des approches de la magie et du rituel. Dans ses textes, elle explore le "pouvoir de l'intérieur" - un pouvoir basé sur l'immanence qui est nettement différent d'un principe de "pouvoir sur".

Lise Chevalier will accompany the reading in French.


14:00 - 15:00

Permaculture (EN)
by Vanessa

Permaculture is an ecological design system for sustainability in all aspects of human endeavour.

Vanessa will teach us how to design natural homes and abundant food production systems, regenerate degraded landscapes and ecosystems, develop ethical economies and communities, and much more.

As an ecological design system, permaculture focuses on the interconnections between things more than individual parts


14:30 - 16:00

Let's Talk about Sexualities (EN)
by Emi

A participative moment where different activities will be offered to help alleviate the subjects, bring collective reflection, support liberating talks and co-create emancipation. 

Because the antidote to shame is to share - let's break up taboos gather up in a safe space and speak up for ourselves.


14:30 - 15:30

Collective listening: Podcasts über Ökofeminismus (DE)
von Fanny Steyer 

Was genau ist Ökofeminismus und wo kommt der her?

Diesen Fragen werden wir anhand von Podcasts-Auszügen nachgehen. Gemeinsam mit der Journalistin und Positive Lab-Mitbegründerin Émilie Langlade werfen wir ein Schlaglicht auf den Podcast „Rêves écoféministes“, den sie gemeinsam mit dem Positive Lab produziert hat.

Die Journalistin Fanny Steyer wird den Workshop leiten. Der Workshop findet auf Deutsch statt, die Podcast-Auszügen werden mal auf Deutsch, mal auf Englisch sein.


15:30 - 17:00

Poétique de la Terre (FR)
par Hélène


Plonger ses mains dans la terre, explorer sa matière.
Laisser nos mots s’enraciner, s’accrocher, plonger vers le sombre pour éclore vers le monde.


Si la terre était un poème, quels seraient ses vers ?

L’autrice écoféministe Hélène Coron vous accompagnera, par un procédé d’écriture créative, instinctive et collaborative, à travers un voyage poétique dans le ventre du monde.

le venet.jpg

16:00 - 17:00

Amazonian Yoga (EN)
by Daiana Romero

Colombian performer Daiana Romero will guide us into an integral yoga practice and Brazilian chants from the Amazonian jungle. In this practice, we will connect with our oldest roots, looking to link the body, the voice and the elements of nature through a yoga sequence: the receptiveness of the earth.


The circle will be open with a session of integral yoga, preparatory work for opening the body and the fluidity of the voice. We will invite you to activate your body and express your voice's spontaneity through the singing circle, using the power of voice and singing to better communicate.


17:00 - 18:30

Live Concert 
by Daiana Romero and Marco Colasso

Daiana Romero y Marco Colasso: Aka Maar will collaborate to immerse us in an experience to connect people and cultures, creating a moment of music, improvisation with soundscapes, poetry, voice and a selection of eclectic music that serve as material for the evolution of a unique sound aventure.

Daiana Concert.jpg

19:30 - 22:00

Documentary & Discussion: This World is not Made for Us (EN & FR)
Voix Déterres collective

Moderation by journalists Özgül Demiralp and Fanny Steyer

Screening of ‘Ce monde n’est pas fait pour nous’ (FR OV; ENG sub), a 70-minute collection of testimonies on the ecofeminist movement as it is embodied today by the Voix Déterres collective, followed by a discussion with director Marine Habert, and writers Plum Le Bihan and Nina Chiron.

Ce monde.jpg

All day long

Land Art For Kids


Crafted Vulvas


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